Charlie Collage, Chaz Howkins, 2015, photographic collage |
Charlie Collage 2, Chaz Howkins, 2015, photographic collage |
Faces, Chaz Howkins, 2015, photographic collage |
Faces 2, Chaz Howkins, 2015, photographic collage |
Faces 3, Chaz Howkins, 2015, photographic collage |
I realised that in a lot of my work so far, I have accidentally been reinforcing the idea of gender as binary, which I don't agree with - and my initial intention was to explore the idea of gender as a spectrum. Many of my initial ideas related to the idea of 'Chaz vs Chad' (myself and my male alter ego) however I feel this is far too restrictive and binary so I will now be exploring myself as Charlie as this covers all genders rather than just two.
In the first two collages (Charlie Collage 1 & 2) I used various images of myself as a range genders. My intention was to create confusing images which make the viewer question the gender of the subject, to which I would respond, does it matter? I find it fascinating how frustrated people can get when they can't work out someone's gender.
In the next three collages I included images of myself and of other people (males) to make the images even more confusing. However I prefer the Charlie collages as they involve a level of self exploration making them far more personal than the Faces collages.